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KCP Summer Short-term 2016 Welcome Party at Ikebukuro Dorm

Ikebukuro (池袋) is one of Tokyo’s exciting centers conveniently located at the northwestern corner of the Yamanote loop line that connects Tokyo’s major city centers. Ikebukuro Station is an important commuter hub that intersects three other subways and multiple urban and suburban train lines, making it the second busiest railway station (surpassed only by Shinjuku Station).

The Ikebukuro dormitory for KCP students is just 30 minutes from the school. It isn’t just a convenient commuters hub, but  a thriving entertainment and commercial district as well. Ikebukuro offers a number of things to see and do. There are entertainment, shopping, and dining options to suit anyone’s fancy. Ikebukuro is also a treasure trove of Japanese culture and history.  The city was known as “Sugamo” during the Taishō and Shōwa periods when foreign laborers and artists chose to live there because it was not as expensive as other places in Tokyo.

Check out our photos of KCP’s Summer Short-term 2016 students  as they are welcomed in their Ikebukuro dorm. A wonderful start to their Japan experience!


KCP Flickr.


KCP Flickr.


KCP Flickr.


KCP Flickr.


For more photos of the event, visit KCP Flickr.

Related post:
Jessica Dales, one of our Fall term 2011 students, gave us an insider’s view through her photos and descriptions.

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