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Chicken Karaage

Delectable Karaage

Karaage chicken is popularly known as Japan’s version of fried chicken. What makes it different from other types of fried chicken is its size and seasoning. Chicken karaage is often served in boneless bite-sized pieces and is specially seasoned with a mouth-watering mix of popular Asian flavors such as ginger and sesame.

Karaage is a Japanese cooking technique used for many other types of food, not just chicken. Other types of meat and fish can also be used. The karaage cooking technique involves marinating the small pieces of meat in a sauce, then lightly coating it with seasoned flour or potato starch mixture and finally frying it in oil.

Karaage is much loved in Japan; there is even a travelling Karaage Festival specifically dedicated to it. The next event is set to open at the start of April 2016 in Fukuoka City, at the southern island of Kyushu. Representatives from more than 24 karaage restaurants from all around the country come to the festival, all ready to cook up a storm with their own take on karaage.

For those with adventurous tastebuds, there are other things made with karaage that you can try at the karaage festival, like karaage ramen and even karaage ice cream! Karaage is a delicious addition to a recipe repertoire that anyone can enjoy again and again.


Here is a simple karaage recipe you can try.

4 pcs boneless chicken breast with or without skin
2 Tbsp sake
1 Tbsp soy sauce
1/4 tsp salt
1-2 tsp garlic, grated
1-2 tsp ginger, grated
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup corn starch
salt and pepper to taste
oil for deep frying

Cut chicken breasts into bite-sized pieces. Mix sake, soy sauce, salt, garlic, and ginger with chicken in a bowl, cover the bowl with cling wrap. Let the chicken pieces sit in the marinade for 1/2-1 hour in the fridge. Mix flour, corn starch, and some salt and pepper in another bowl. Coat marinated chicken pieces with flour mixture. Heat oil at medium high heat ( about 350F). Deep fry chicken until cooked.

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