
Explore the culture, lifestyle, and excitement of studying abroad in Japan.

Study Abroad in Japan

With KCP International, you can earn more Japanese credit than you would in an entire year at your university. Plus, you can pick your start date!

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How to Bow in Japan

Japanese lady bowing

For the next installment in our Japanese how-to videos, here are a couple of looks at how to bow.  It’s much more complex than you…
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Read all about Japanese immersion learning and studying abroad. Check out our eZasshi archives for more articles!

How to use an abacus (soroban)

Hand counting with wooden abacus

Another “Japan skills” video–how to use an abacus for basic computation.  Mystery revealed! How to use an abacus (soroban) An easy-to-grasp explanation. Hope you enjoyed…
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Discover more of Japan

With KCP International, immerse yourself in the heart of Tokyo with a wide variety of courses, flexible schedules and convenient packages you keep your experience easy!

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How to use chopsticks in Japan

Graphic hand holding chopsticks

How to get closer to “living Japanese”?  Maybe these instructions will help.  This is a great step by step instructional on how to use chopsticks. …
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Spring semester kicks off at KCP

captivated KCP audience

The entrance and orientation ceremony for the spring semester at KCP just took place. Mr. Kimbara, KCP principal, gives a speech to welcome the new students….
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Consider insurance

Health insurance image

Travel Insurance Many people never think of purchasing insurance to cover unexpected events during a trip.  But the recent and continuing events in Japan point…
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