
Explore the culture, lifestyle, and excitement of studying abroad in Japan.

Study Abroad in Japan

With KCP International, you can earn more Japanese credit than you would in an entire year at your university. Plus, you can pick your start date!

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Immerse yourself in the heart of Tokyo with a wide variety of courses, flexible schedules and convenient packages you keep your experience easy!

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What Students Say . . .

KCP campus facade in Shinjuku

Catalina Tiamson, University of Washington My experience in Japan wouldn’t be anything like how incredible it was without KCP. Through them, I now have a…
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The New Seven Samurai

Akira Kurosawa image

This past weekend I saw the stunning film Seven Samurai (七人の侍 Shichinin no samurai–1954), digitally remastered in high-def.  At 3½ hours, it was much longer…
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T-shirt design finalists

KCP t-shirt contest entry

We have completed our review of all the T-shirt design submissions. Thank you everyone for your wonderful designs!  These designs have been chosen as our…
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What is wabi sabi?

Japanese tea house

Wabi sabi (侘寂) represents a comprehensive Japanese world view or aesthetic centered on the acceptance of transience. It is sometimes described as authentic beauty that…
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Discover more of Japan

With KCP International, immerse yourself in the heart of Tokyo with a wide variety of courses, flexible schedules and convenient packages you keep your experience easy!

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Free Stuff in Tokyo

Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building

Free places to soak up atmosphere– • For a good view of the city skyline go to the promenade that runs along the front of…
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